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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Life in San Francisco

Be who you want to be. #StandForLGBT
In this community, we are filled with different types of people with unique qualities. Michael is an example of uniqueness as he is homosexual. He expressed his feelings written saying “I have found myself” directed to his Mama. He can no longer keep it a secret since he already found happiness and found himself with it. The right time never came but his right feeling came, the feeling of self-acceptance and confidence. Back at Orlando, he was having a hard time since no one really patted on his shoulder or lift him up and that’s why he learned to stand on his own. Knowing the capabilities of a person, he fought and searched himself. San Francisco, a city that wasn’t shiny or gloomy but a community that doesn’t measure a person by their gender. It’s funny how people react to someone’s gender knowing that they are part of the LGBTQ+, also knowing that they are living human beings. Michael expressed himself by the acceptance and nonjudgmental San Francisco. It’s not really the place that matters, it’s the people and finally, Michael found himself, expressed it and is full of ecstasy.

                I feel happy for Michael. He showed his true self which is beyond somebody’s limits. He made a pathway for himself for he made comfort within him and everybody. He decided to become he didn’t expect to become. He found himself and I felt power within, power that only few can encounter. Sadness touched me as I know this society is filled with hypocrites. The community we live in isn’t San Francisco that a person’s gender doesn’t define who they are. We live beyond our imaginaries. I imagines wearing the shoes of Michael knowing that he has carried so much weight and pressure for I know that no one accepted him in the long run. It’s hard to live sometimes knowing a part of you is missing and it frustrates me knowing that not only the place Orlando but this world, most of the people are too judgmental. And I feel guilty for that but the LGBTQ+ community should be respected as they are also living.
We are all the same, we grow together. #StandForLGBT

                I feel neutral among being sad and happy for Michael. Happy because I know he have already found himself, he saw his light, he saw himself. The most important thing to value is not how the people around you judge or look at you but how you derive your life. It’s about making it count, it for making yourself proud of who and what you’ve become. Sad because even though I don’t know the parents of Michael, I can still feel the goosebumps, the shivery hand and sweaty forhead as she (the mother) read the letter. I basically predict a person’s feeling by how I see them in movies but that doesn’t mean I already know what they’re actually feeling. Life is full of unexpected turns and I don’t know moments, just like this, I basically don’t know why I didn’t make this activity early.  Anyways, here’s a piece of advice for everybody. I know that we live in a place where we feel suffocated, where we ask ourselves “who are you? Who am I” and sometimes we loss it. Just like some people usually say, YOLO. You only live once, embrace the colors you built for yourself and explore the inner you and Michael also find himself. He is complete.

Express yourself no matter what. Dont let anyone bring you down.#StandForLGBT
                The downfall of this situation is not knowing how the parents (not only Michael) reacts upon this situation as I know there are people who are “against” this. It’s so frustrating knowing that the community won’t move upon the acts of some people who have been aggressively trash talk a person because of their gender. Not accepted in the main social and surrounding problems. I know that for sure if it’s hard to accept who you are, it’s impossible that you’ll just sleep for a day and expects that you are beautiful even if how you bring yourself. Acceptance is a domino effect as this will hit bullying, gay marriage and adoption. Bullying, I found it normal when someone bullies you because its how so called jocks hit the “losers” could feel high and mighty. Gay marriage, its actually illegal in some provinces, cities and country as this is so called “forbidden”. As what they said, God made Adam and Eve and never invented LGBT+ but that doesn’t mean they aren’t accepted. Basically this is like racism between genders. Adoption, in some adoption areas. They dint fully accept or trust gay or bisexual couples since it should be a boy and a girl.

                I truly don’t accept people who judge the LGBTQ+ and for starters I don’t care if what gender they are because it’s no big deal. If it makes a person happy, sure why not. Too help in a short way. Inform people that there should be equality among the LGBTQ+ and heterosexuality and this should be spread though Social media since drama and chaos always starts there. There shouldn’t be special treatments and boundaries since they are also living people. If people won’t seem to care about their life, the gender won’t matter. To have their back even if you don’t know them and TO NOT PROMOTE SOCIAL ISSUES because this is where it all started. Social media gives false information and creates fights. Social Issue is the reason why a bunch if people commit suicide because of shame, anxiety and depression. The number one thing that could help them is to start small just like what I follow in Facebook, a bisexual person created a page where the LGBTQ+ is allowed to express to what they feel. Promote a good environment not for the next generation but for yourself.
Start the change! #StandForLGBT