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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Cyber Bullying

          Cyber Bullying is accusing someone by what they do, discriminate their physical appearance and judging a person by a single rumor. Yes, everyone has experienced this, not in a type of bullying that includes punching but expressing them freely and expecting it would be a joke. Some may say, this just a joke or this is just to make everyone laugh but its actually one way of killing someone, it roots someones anger towards you since you discriminated that person, judging them even though you're not perfect yourself. This is one of the issues in school, many times has a teacher stopped student from bullying other student but they intended to do those since they think they are higher than others. Cyber Bullying affects good people, cyber bullying should be stopped. This problem adds up to the problems of a person who has been locked with negativity. This is getting worse, people think that if they judge the person they're judgement would be fine with that, deep inside they're not. Everyone is not perfect there fore there's no need to bully someone who didn't do anything; If you want to bully them, it's better if you open up to each other, don't back stab it's just rude. Bullying occurs in the ages between 12 and 17, we explore the relationship between resilient and experience with bullying and cyber bullying ( Life is filled with situations that we can't handle and its problem. There are a lot of reasons how to stop cyber bullying since this adds problems and it hurts a persons life since they try and change themselves so they would be better for others. Just like students trying to fit in their school called their second home.

        Cyber Bullying makes children quit school. As what I said, cyber bullying happens in school since it mostly occur in the age of 12 and 17 ( School has become a battle ground for kids to test they're learning and skills. You will see who are weak in this subject and high in this section. Grading systems makes children horrified since laziness takes over a students body. What you do in school, a person is always watching. For example girls. Girls are sources of issues, problems and deepest secrets. Some may say girls are open yet truth is, girls have non stop gossip. Girls are in a group, they back stab other girls or other persons. When someone is going to tell this person that this group is gossiping about her or him then they're going to be offended since they are talking behind their back. Boys. Boys are also sources of physical hurting like punching someone. All of those leads to cyber bullying since this is going to be an issue and it would be a spread rumor in school. In every single thing you do, you get judged by a person, make fun of and being mocked. All of those issues, deepest secrets, problems is going to be spilled like tea. The issues of this is that people trust people who are not trust worthy. Therefore, gossip and any other meas leads to bullying. 

          Cyber bullying leads to depression (VeryWellFamily by Sherri Gordon Forman, MD). For the person who are experiencing bullying, they try so hard to change. Like when you're fat, you should be skinny so that this huge society would accept you. Just like the children in England and Wales that got bullied because of they're appearance, most bullying focuses on weight and body shape and has a major impact on victims. More than half (53%) of young people who experienced bullying based on their appearance said they had become anxious as a result and 29% had become depressed. One in 10 said they had had suicidal thoughts and 9% that they had self-harmed (SupportTheGuardian by Haroon Siddique). Society this is the reason why people are experiencing depression since they don't know how to accept you, they dont get the point your like this and not like that. The reason why it leads to depression its because of misjudgment. The  people you bully think they're not good enough, thinks they are useless. This is a free world, you have the freedom to think, say your opinion and to become what you wanna be. But that doesn't mean you would discriminate someones physical appearance. You  should learn how to accept who they are (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

         Cyber Bullying leads to depression (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Whats the use of living is the people around you will not accept you? This is a huge place, people can do what they wanna do to you. Pushed and stopped by people because they are kings and queens as what they said and thought they were. Cyber bullying makes children quit school which leads to depression, all of that could lead to suicide. This thing affects someone so bad that they would overthink through this problem. All of us has a problem and your adding more to those people who did nothing to you.  Yes, bullying leads to suicide ( This people commit suicide because of posting pictures that ruined them, calling them bisexual and other stuff. Some may say this is not a serious thing but actually it is. Those words they said adds a worm to the apple there fore its going to be rotten. The apple serves as our heart, every time someone discriminates us or a person that adds another label to yourself, you would think you are nothing, you are not existing. You would feel negative vibes, you would think you should give revenge but you would end up in a black hole.

          Cyber Bullying is not a joke. Think before you speak because you are also talking to a person, all of us are living individual. All of us isn't perfect so you dont have any rights to speak bad things to a person, judging a person is awful. Always think for other people because all of us should be treated correctly. Cyber bulling affects good people, it should be stopped, we should have equality.

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