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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Romeo and Juliet

                    Love Someone ( )
                   From the lyrics "If you love someone and your not afraid to lose them, you probably never love someone like I do" Romeo loves Juliet so dearly that he would do everything just to see Juliet even though its against or bad. Romeo doesn't want to see Juliet with someone else, Juliet doesn't want to be with someone else. Both of them did everything to see each other until they killed each other because they don't want to live if they wouldn't be together.

                  This song is from the Movie "The Greatest showman". From this songs, it talks about your deep love with your partner and staying at they're side no matter how far you both walk in your paths and even though both of you are separated at times, your love is still growing each day. By the line "Hand in my hand and we promised to never let go, we're walking the tightrope. High in the sky we can see the whole world from below, walking the tightrope with you". Even though how hard the circumstances both Romeo and Juliet is facing they still manage to love each other deeply and to hold each others arms until the day they both wish they could be together at once. "You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream, always in motion. So I risk it all just to be with you. And I risk it all for the life we choose". For me or in my case, Romeo and Juliet would sacrifice everything just for them to live the life they wanted. They are willing to risk it all so they could build they're own story someday yet that story didn't come to a great end.

                 A lot of people are going to use this song since this song can really relate to Romeo and Juliet since the song that Taylor Swift made is a relatable song to Romeo and Juliet. Starting off with the line "That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles and my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" And I was crying on the staircase begging you, please don't go. And I said "Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all that's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. Its a love story, baby just say yes"  It is pretty obvious that this song can really relate to Romeo and Juliet, its when Romeo is like forbidden to be with Juliet because of Juliet's Father yet Juliet loves Romeo so much thats why she find ways to see Romeo' face and to be with him.

                  Some may say this song isnt that deep but theres a line in this song that could relate to Romeo and Juliet which is "I wanna hold you when I'm not suppose to, when I'm going close to someone else your stuck in my head and I cant get you out of it. If I could do it all again, I know I'd go back to you". Juliet is not suppose to like Romeo because of her Father yet she chooses her heart over rules and stood by her own will. Even though Juliet is going to get married by another man because she was forced to, Romeo will be in her heart and will always be running inside her head. The problem with that line is that Juliet can't go back to Romeo because they weren't a couple and they are not suppose to be together.

                  One line of the song hit the mark which is "Everything that you've ever dreamed of. Disappearing when you wake up, but theres nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes. It will never change me and you" Even though how sadly Romeo and Juliet died in the last part, they died by choice which is killing themselves for the sake of the love both of them give. No matter how huge they're dram of building a life together, life wont go the way you wanted so its a mutual understanding of falling down, gaining and achieving. Romeo and Juliet has a bad ending yet it showcased how powerful love could be even though how a night could change everything they wanted. Even though faith didn't bring them together, they died by choice and they're willingness.

                      This is a worship song, it talkes about our Almighty Father from above. Yet, a line in this song which is the starting verse of the song could relate to Romeo and Juliet which is "Can't go back to the beginning. Can't control what tomorrow will bring. But I know here in the middle is the place where you promise to be". Romeo and Juliet isn't destined  for each other since they didn't became a couple yet Juliet refuses to be with the Mourning Paris and wanted to marry Romeo yet a priest let Juliet drink something that would let her look she's dead. By that wrong move, Romeo, Juliet and the Fiance of Juliet died.

                          Showing how deep your love for your partner is one way of getting you bond a little stronger, Romeo and Juliet don't need to show their love for one another since they trust each other that much. "I'll be taking my time, spending my life. Falling deeper in love with you" Juliet didn't want to get married by a douche so she refuses to get married by that random guy that her Father shipped them together. Juliet wants Romeo, they wanted to get married yet they're relationship and bond is like a roller coaster that doesn't have any wheels. Its like a running merathon while people are just walking. They're love is unexpected, weird, strong and powerful. No matter what the walls both of them are separated from, they work together and break all of the barriers down because no matter what happens, no one can defeat they're love.

                              From the title itself you are my everything it is obvious that it could relate to Romeo and Juliet. From the line "When I see stars, I think of you. Then I alwyas pray for you. And I know what my heart wad made for to love you, forever more. Romeo and Juliet was made for each other but didn't have a chance to reach they're forever more. In fact, Romeo and Juliet has a rough story and a pretty sad ending yet Juliet would rather die than to marry a guy she didn't love and Romeo would die for Juliet. Both of them didn't sacrifice they're own life for one another yet built another life for each other. Juliet never wanted the life she wanted since she can't be with the live of her life, Romeo didn't like or love his life since he was forbidden to marry Juliet but if so he could have gotten the chance to marry Juliet he wouldn't have the blessing of Juliet's Father. In short by that line, Romeo keeps on thinking about Juliet and Juliet the other way around. Since both of them love each other and they couldn't be together the only think they could do is to think about one another. The only thing that makes them stronger everyday is they're trust and for following they're heart no matter what.
                  Romeo and Juliet is a story about two humans being super in love that they would break everything to make it work and would die for one another. Nothings stronger than a love worth dying for.

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