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Friday, November 1, 2019

Reflection: Torjan War

               War isnt just solving believes on one country to another. Many sacrifice their lives for their country just to satisfy the ambition of one leader to its nation. War is dirty and grousome, its never been clean and many die in vain, families have been broken, innocent civilians die, and many womens widowed by the war. The earths been reform by the war. Polluted the sea and the land, the economy boost up but the earth is shrinking. What did war teach me? It taught me to fight, to think outside the box and to seek my own refuge to defend my love ones and my youth. It showed me that freedom doesn't come for free but it seeks massive damage and it hunts for fear to find if were willing to sacrifice everything for us to live peacefully. War taught me to stay strong, it taught me to fight.

               Torjan war didn't happen exactly most especially the phenomenon when the greek had a plan to trick the Torjans and succeeded by using a wooden horse filled by men. This story leaves traps and skeletons inside the closet, it leaves wonder to all but this story remains a myth. In my research, people believe this may happen in some era yet evidences and clues are still useless since it didn't track if this really happen. In reality, some of the peoples perspective remain questionable since the Torjan War didn't happen and I believe so too.

               War has a lot of mishaps, tragedy and obviously arguments. This story helped me resolve conflicts in a way that i should think outside box and have different plans on how to solve a problem. And when I do so I should always be respectful along the way, I should stay silent and not trust directly so that the problem wont get worse. No matter what may happen I shouldn't give up to defend if I know Im right and obviously you cant get rid of pride. In conflicts you need to stay low and wait for the perfect timing to settle things because patients is the key to getting further and slowly getting what you want.

               Life isn't as perfect as it seems and we know life dearly that sometimes its dreadful and stressful yet we still thrive so we could discover more. Problems and conflicts are normal, it could happen anywhere most especially in relationships for example the relationship of friends, love ones and family. Life turns around and we should be ready to face our battles, to conquer our own world for we should rule the midst of our own fantasy.

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