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Monday, December 9, 2019

I want to give light but not like candle. I don't want to give loose myself in the process. Generosity and Self preservation should be allowed together.
     I agree because GENEROSITY is like bringing light, is like letting them enter your life, you discovering and understanding a person. Its like growing together in a process of being at each others back when needed. Yet through that losing yourself could be possible in so many ways. I disagree about SELF PRESERVATION because if you help a person, you adapt to who he or she is just to seek light, to uncover his or her colors and to know the feeling of wearing his or her shoes. Two outcomes may be unfold either the good or the bad but any of that will help you learn and improve. To mold into a better and much more colorful person than you were before. 

         I really doubt people that trust other people easily. When colors had shown patterns to be careful yet you don't even care for any signals or warnings, even if your already hurt you keep on running back. A person is like a candle. A candle trying to find and to stop light. FINDING, to enlighten his or herself with the help of others to learn and understand even more. To move forward and to fight most especially in gloomy days and to find his or herself. STOPPING, we always want to stop light, fighting is tiring sometimes, even the strongest and powerful man gets tired and believe me, everyone can be tired. Through finding or stopping, we intend to bumb into someone in the process. A person can change us, we can also be the reason of the change. Change is like fertilizing yourself, it doesn't have to be bad all the time, its not nonacceptance, its loving yourself and molding yourself to be who you want to be.  

          A person can be dedicated to a person or have multiple connections like a bond or relation. All of us have/had experience/d that even your'e known to be a silent person. There's where we call friends, they either motivate us or drag us down. Mostly, friends or a partner is hard to find and I do notice that as well. Cutting the knot of a person sometimes sets you free but sometimes keeps you in a cage. For example having their back yet they don't have yours. You being kind to them yet they act good but back stabs you along the way. Accepts you to be in their group but, temporally. Too much generosity makes you change, makes you lose self preservation. 
        Simply, giving light to others or upon yourself isn't a bad thing. It depends on how your'e going to do it. People make simple mistakes because when they think of CHANGE they think it irresponsibly and take it negatively. In life we never want to lose our-self but eventually we will as I know that I have mold myself each and everyday to improve and to tell myself that I am worthy. Losing yourself is good, it makes you develop, it makes you pure, it makes you new as if you were just newly baptized. Generosity and self preservation can be allowed together but I don't fully approve self preservation. During the process of generosity, I know that we should keep ourselves together so we wont settle on something new. Yet in the process, moving on is good like growth, being alone isn't loneliness but a sign of maturity and independent. 
          John Roger added a quote written by Quentin Crisp in his book "Life 101" and stated "The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appealing things that other people think about us.". I included this because it showed partnership. It showed growth among two individuals reconciling each other and formed unity. In the book it stated doing, learning and enjoying life (also relatable to the quote). We should practice doing those things because its been so simple yet we can't achieve it. DOING may be a simple word yet without it, generosity won't be applicable. LEARNING, we won't learn and develop if we just listen to ourselves and to our own perspective. That may be a part of self preservation yet its burning your so called ENJOYING LIFE because enjoying life while not doing the right thing is life a criminal record. At first you think it was alright, your going to enjoy it once yet suffer for a life time. The book Life 101 doesn't only talk about Generosity and Self preservation, but it also talks about happiness. 

         Where ever we may go, we will always need someone to guide and help us. Even if your'e independent you will still need help, not simple help but like a "someone to cry on" shoulder. All of us needs someone to motivate and inspire us to do things in life even if its just temporary. Because Pain is normal, its temporary, let it flow in to you because it will bring out the best of you. Sometimes giving generosity could be unfair because its not always fair, we don't get the same treatment, disappointments are the perks this days. Changing ourselves brings out HAPPINESS because we decided something that we shouldn't be scared of because losing a person is nothing when your'e already losing yourself. 

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