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Thursday, January 30, 2020

 Essence of Family day in my teenage life

          Life is uncertain. We definately dont know where we would end up and what would happen. But through that, we still end up with our family because we know that theyre the people that loves us full heartedly. For starters, family molds us to become a better person, it builds a path for us to see clearly and to set the future. They provide us with what we need and want. They will always support the life we wanted, accept the path we'll take and would fight for us even if it cost their life. Family is my strength, they're my light, they gave me power and dignity.
Sadly, we (my fam) didnt have a family photo but this will do.

          January 26, 2020. My last family day at ACT, my last family day as a high school student. I have never thought that time would be so fast since I have still remembered the Grade 7 family day dance and practices. Dancing for the last time was tense since we were the champions since Grade 7 and yes, were the defending champion. Knowing that my parents gave me unending support through out I have never felt overwhelmed. This years family day is the second time in high school that my Mom joined since she always go to Negros to celebrate my Grandfather's birthday. For me, this year’s family day is really a good ender because we're complete. I feel lucky to have them by my side even though we're facing alot of circumstances.

Sana ol dancer
a y i e e I look cute here

          This day feels so special because I was surrounded by not only my family but also my high school friends. They have been amazing people since I have been with them for like 7 or more years (depending on the person). Family day is to cherish that you’re never alone. Its to see possibilities. Memories are builtand I have built it with amazing people and to be honest I have not expected that we (Me and Gianne) would have celebrated this day together. I counted everybody as my friend because I don’t belong in any group nor I want to be a part of any. Family day gave me a time to breath, tosee that I can also be independent, I can stand by my own but when I see everybody it made me realize I need my family.

          In the end, Ill always go home. Even though how many mistakes I have made Ill try my best to improve whether my family trusts me or not. Sometimes, believeing yourself is life having a family of your own. It’s a feeling of self love. No matter what happens, even if your already independent or you already have everything, the riches people are the people who have complete love within the family. Family day 2020, love, acceptance and unity.

Perse x Forti will always be the best. (U cant find me in this pic cause Im too short)

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