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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Family II.

You always say "Why is a family important". It is important because they complete your day. They help you in difficult times and they are their to celebrate your Happy Birthday. Even though were not that a like but God makes us a family with happiness and sadness. A family is what we need because they accompany us when their is something wrong. They share you their little things, and they spread love is short words.
Even though your far away they always know how important are they. A family is not only your Mother, Father, You and more. A family is something that is big. A family is a group of  members that has meaning in such. Like mine, we might not look like each other, we might not have the same blood but you have the same history.

A family isn't all about how plenty you are, its all about the love you share with them. We have time for each other and we share secrets. They know your true color and they know some of your little secrets. You have cousins to enjoy with, your cousins are also the people who helps you is such ways. They cared for you, even though you didn't feel it. Sometimes they bother you but it makes you realize they are making happiness for you.

Your Father is the head of your family, they are the bread winners. They work for us to eat but, some Mothers work just to earn more money. Your Parents always raise you for the good, not for the bad. They get angry at you because they worry so much about you. If you think they are too over acting well, they aren't they are just worried. Even though your strong it doesn't mean your Parents wont get worried. Even small bites from ants could make them cry, if you cry then they are too but they are not going to show it to you. If they give you an award for failing it means they don't mind if you fail or pass, what they meant is that you tried your best. If they scold you, they are good parents because they want the best for you. Follow what they say, never have a second conclusion because they want to provide you more than just a simple life.

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