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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Family III.

They told me to pick up my self and let everything push through. 

 All of us have different families. Like what I have right now. They give me happiness and also love. They comfort me every time and they let me follow my heart on where I wanna be. They let me be who I am and they wanted the best for me. They give me tips and we stay together. We pray and you know what they say, A family that prays together stays forever. They are the reason why I need to keep moving forward so I could reach my goal. They are proud of what I am doing, they scold me for the better and they never wanna see me sad. They love me for who I am and what I am doing, they appreciate every little thing I do, and most of all they have trust me for being the funny, joyful, caring and loving me.

Some of our family members pass away and taken by our God. They are watching us living and enjoying life. We have that group of cousins who don't live with the same place as we do, like my cousins. We enjoy small particles and dream big. We share love with each other. Its hard to live in a family that isn't complete because every member of the family has a meaning, if one is lost there will be misunderstanding spreading but in the bright side if you believe in your self that you can also do the same do it too because no one can help you but your self.

Some families had a new member like what we have. A new member is formed and a blessing is now coming. Even though how small it is, its a big help and it gives you the happiest Welcome and Good bye. Someone told me that a dog is worthless., well it gives you happiness and I play with her everyday. Sometimes it becomes your everyday routine more exiting than ever.

Be happy of what you have and have happiness in little gifts.

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