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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Short Poems

A bed of Clouds 
I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky,
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by,
I think my dreams keep me sane,
I dream of happiness, a life without pain,
some people say I'm stuck in this place,
and I'll never go anywhere,
but in my dreams I've already been there,
I know some day I'll have to wake up,
but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare,
I'm safe in my closed eye wonderland,
this poem goes to all the dreamers that understand,
no matter what they say...
keep your dreams but don't dream your life away,

I Love the Way
I love the way you tell me that I'm beautiful, 
and the way you make me laugh like no one else. 
I love the way you move the hair away from my eyes, 
and then kiss me on my face. 
I love the way when you take me to the park 
and put your hands around my waist 
as we watch the sunset together and feel the ocean breeze. 
I love the way you'd sing to me at random moments, 
and look at me and smile. 
I love the way you leave the smell of your cologne on my clothes after we hug 
I love the way you would send me my favorite flowers 
along with an " I LOVE YOU" card. 
I love the way you speak your mind and tell me about your opinions. 
I love the way you're not afraid to cry and show your feelings. 
I love the way you call me in the middle of the day just to say " I LOVE YOU." 
and say how much you miss me. 
I love the way you tell your friends about me and smile when you do. 
I love the way you whisper into my ear, 
the way your voice sounds so close to me. 
it feels like I'm dreaming. 
I love the way you do all of these and the fact that you're not ashamed to do it. 
I love the way you treat me, 
and I'm glad to be yours...

Here for You
The past you cannot forget or undo,
The future is all we can look forward to.

I wish I could have been there by your side...
For all the times you've wept and cried.

Know from my heart, what I say is true...
That I hurt for the pain you have been through.

Never alone shall you be,
Someday, freedom you will see

May your hopes and dreams come true,
No matter where you are, I'll always be here for you.

My Mask
My smile hides my tears.
My laugh hides my screams.
It's been this way for years.
Things aren't as they seem.

I always seem so happy.
With not a care in the world.
But you should know sadly,
Many things go untold.

Nobody really knows me.
They only know my cover.
But I wish I could let it free.
Let them know what's under.

But instead I practice
My smiles in the mirror.
Then the next thing I do is
Make my fake laugh clearer.

What is wrong? You need help?
Is all they will ask.
So I have decided
To live behind a mask.

Lost Innocent 

Wind whistling,
Snow glistening,
We try not to,
But we're all listening.
Loud screams,
Bad dreams,
It's very far,
But close it seems.
Sad day,
Lost our way,
All we can do,
Is simply pray.
Innocence gone,
Life no longer long,
We may not know, 
But we're all doing wrong.
Joy lost, 
The Holocaust,
We look to see,
Hearts covered in frost.
Wars fought,
Sins taught,
Making mistakes,
Hoping not to be caught.
Not taking blame, 
Pushing for fame,
As advanced as we are,
We're still all untamed.
Too much pride,
Needing a guide,
We will deny it, 
But behind lies we hide.
Hurting others, 
Betraying brother,
Many forgetting,
To appreciate mothers.
Lies are fed,
Filling heart and head,
Through all of these years,
Innocent blood has been shed.
Children abandoned,
Lonely and stranded,
We're all wasting the life
That we have been handed.
Taking from the poor,
We're loving no more,
Fight to be free, 
End up starting a war.
People starting fights,
No longer enjoying the sights,
While mere mortals are taking
Our God given rights.
Soldiers killed,
Void can't be filled,
Pay close attention,
For pure souls have been tilled.
Need to find peace,
Work together like geese,
But greatest of all,
The hate needs to cease.

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