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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Me Time II.

My self told me to be strong and never let success pass my way. In life their are always tasks to be done and questions to be answered. It gives you a lot of problems and stress through out the days. Sometimes I do much of my time playing and spending time with my family because they are giving time to you and you must take it to. Since the day that my problems are beginning to expand.

My Mother told me that in hard tasks their is always a solution. I never forget those words because it gives you a lot of lessons. Never let hard tasks block your way to success because life is challenging you for the better. Develop confidence in every time, have the passion to move forward and reach your dreams. Fairy tails work in an ordinary way, fairy tails like going to the mall, have happy memories and having a blessed day.

Sometimes you need to figure out what your going to do. Like mostly in my days I play with my sister and enjoy little moments with my family. You need to capture every single moment of your life because each one of them has a meaning.

My father told me to Pray first before facing challenges. He tole me that so I could be strong. I am a strong person with confident smiles. I always pray in hard times but most of my days is facing challenges and managing time. You need to manage time so you could catch up. All of us are living in a big fairy tale that has no ending. We are the main characters and your making the script. We have fairy tales because we dream big, we dream big because we believe we could catch those dreams some day. Even though you don't have big dreams at least you Pray anywhere you go because life is tough and we always need God on our side.

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