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Thursday, August 4, 2016

               My Life without Technology

                     My life without technology would be hard because we cant communicate and transport our self to one place to another. Its even hard for doctors to scan or check a sick person, because the utensils made it a lot easier. Even oxygen tanks, how can we save a person who can't breath easily? If they cant breath there is a big possibility many people will die. Its even hard to visit your love ones because you need to travel. Technology made airplanes, trains, buses, taxis cars and many more, those things can make us travel, explore and visit our love ones from outside the country. Its even hard to know whats going on in our world today, because there is no radios, news papers and televisions. 

                         I cant talk or chat with my friends and family all over the globe because there is no WI-FI connection invented yet. Its even hard for engineers to build houses and buildings. Not only me but a lot of people all over the globe needs technology because it makes activities easy, we can learn more, our life would be more easy and we could discover more. In the past days there will be more plants and trees and less houses and pollution. We cant even entertain our self and we cant even see at night time, darkness will be surrounding us. And most of all we cant meet new friends and life will be more hard than what are we experiencing today.

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